• Session: Stay tuned for future dates
    For notification please email admin@mctavishacademy.ca
  • Time: 10am – 12pm
  • Instructor: Leah Gray & Steve Smith
  • Cost: $50

Learn what depth of field means and why it’s important in photography. Whether your image has a deep depth of field or a shallow one, it can have a huge effect on your final image. Learn the factors in achieving depth of field, hyper focal distance and how to calculate depth of field in this clear, illuminating short course.


Leah Gray, FCAPA, PPSA, AFIAP, BPSA is a Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA) certified judge. She is the past Chair of the Victoria Camera Club (VCC) External Competitions Committee and past webmaster of VCC and CAPA. Leah Gray has accumulated over 600 acceptances for her images in International Photography Exhibitions including 15 gold medals and 3 Best in Show awards. Leah’s image “Siblings” won the gold medal and best-in-show in the PSA Nature and Wildlife division from International Exhibitions world-wide in 2018. Interests range from wildlife and landscape photography to sports, travel, macro, studio and creative images.

Steve Smith PhD, RPF(Ret) has won gold medals and other significant awards in national and international photographic competitions. Steve has taught forestry at the university level. He has presented photography workshops on various subjects to members of the Victoria Camera Club. He has been involved in a number of image review groups and has judged internal and international competitions. For Steve, the art of photography is a combination of light, composition and a moment, to create a compelling piece of visual art. Compelling because an emotional link is forged between the viewer and the image. Nature and wildlife photography are his main interests but he also enjoys travel, table top, macro, creative and studio work.

https://spirithills.ca/ (Leah)
https://treehunterphotos.ca/ (Steve)
Email: smithgray@shaw.ca