Maria completed her 200 hour YTT in Pokhara, Nepal in 2016. Her training consisted of Ashtanga and Hatha yoga along with breath work, yoga nidra and meditation. After years of practice Maria wanted to share with others the difference that yoga has made in her life and that is what led her on her teaching journey. You can expect a strong, playful physical practice with a rounded soulful experience in Maria’s classes.

She draws her inspirations from the world around her. She is an explorer at heart and has travelled globe. She gains inspiration from people she meets as well as inward reflection. She believes we are all on different journeys and loves that yoga allows her to create space for others to explore.

“Yoga is the mechanism that allows me to come back to myself. In each breathe, movement, asana and practice it gives me the space and ability to grow, heal and rediscover my joy and Self over and over again. I love to share this practice and create the safe space for others to do the same free of judgment. Yoga has been both the catalyst and the calm within my journey that has carried me through in both joyful and  more challenging times. It is always there for us, ready to embrace us exactly as we are. Through feeling our strength in our bodies and minds, we find the stillness within ourselves. “ 

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