- Session: Black and White Photography Workshop Two – Compositional Elements
- Date: Future Dates coming soon
- Time: 10am-2pm
- Instructor: Edward Moniz
- Cost: $195
This is the Second in a planned series of workshops led by Edward Moniz (see bio below) this series will take the mystery out of Black and White and will guide participants to conceive, plan and execute their artistic vision in Black and White. With the proliferation of cameras we are overwhelmed by a plethora of images every single day. Digital photography has promoted the idea that taking hundreds of images is perfectly acceptable. We disagree. Creating a truly spectacular piece of art, one that can hang proudly on one’s wall, takes much more than random shot’s in the dark. It takes planning, a lot of work and most of all it takes learning to understand your own artistic vision.
This workshop is for everyone who wants to take their photography (colour or black and white) to the next level. Learning how to produce a great black and white image will require you to truly understand all the fundamentals of digital capture and editing. Black and White photography has been at the core of photography since its inception and understanding it will enhance your colour photography as well. Creating an excellent black and white image will challenge your skills and requires a specific focus starting with the visualization of the image, taking the image and, lastly, editing to a final print.
In this workshop we will cover the following topics:
- Compositional strategies for black and white photography
- How to use lines and shapes in your photography
- Using perspective to advantage in compositions
- Patterns and texture as an element of black and white
- Scale and proportion
- Emphasis and focal point
- Light as an element of composition
This workshop will be presented as a lecture/discussion series and participants will be expected to complete assigned homework. In class demonstrations will include RAW conversion in Lightroom and final editing in Photoshop. Basic knowledge of Lightroom and Photoshop will be beneficial in this workshop (please note that other editing software can be used as well). There will be no requirement to bring a laptop to the classes as all assignments will be completed on your own and submitted electronically.
Instructors: (Edward Moniz)
Ed is an accredited member of the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) and has been awarded the designation of Craftsman of Photographic Arts by the PPOC.
Formal training included black and white darkroom printing, Sante Fe Workshops Black and White Master Print series, Design Principles at Vancouver Island School of Art and a one-year mentorship program with the highly esteemed George DeWolfe. In addition, many seminars and workshops have helped develop both artistic and technical skills.
As a long-time photographer who reacts to and records the world around him, currently areas of interest are landscape and nature photography.
He is a former member and past president of the Victoria Camera Club and over the years has presented many workshops in Lightroom, Digital Editing and Fundamentals of Black and White.