• Session: Sunday, August 14th
  • Time: 1pm – 4pm
  • Recommended Equipment: Bring one or two of your photographs for discussion
  • Instructor: Michael Murchison
  • Cost: $75

Landscape photography is a wide-ranging topic with an endless variety of possible subject matter and locations.

The course will focus on how to find subjects and create meaningful images from the beautiful, but often chaotic natural world that surrounds us.  We will discuss both traditional (think beautiful skies and amazing foregrounds) and more intimate (the small but beautiful scenes) landscapes and techniques for composing and shooting what we see.

Time will be given to techniques and equipment, but the majority of the course will be a discussion on how we can create images that better express the moments we experience when surround by natural beauty. 


Michael Murchison is primarily a landscape photographer, born in Saskatchewan but now working from Victoria, B.C.  He has been shooting landscapes since 2016 when he rekindled a lifelong passion of looking at the world through the lens of his camera.   Not a formally trained photographer, he has learned most of his craft by reading, using internet training and most importantly looking at the work of other talented photographers.  His landscape photography focuses on finding the extra-ordinary in the ordinary, often shooting more intimate scenes he sees when he is exploring the world around him.

A well-known and respected photographer, he has presented with local camera clubs in both Saskatchewan and Victoria and has a passion both for his photography and sharing his knowledge with others.   

Instructor email: m.murchison@sasktel.net