• Session: Sun’s Jan 7th – Feb 4th (5wks)
  • Time: 10am-1pm
  • Workshop: $200
  • Age: Adult (16+)
  • Instructor: Isabel González
  • Supplies: Tapestry loom and tools are provided by the workshop.

Mapuche textile art, originating from the Wallmapu region (southern Chile and Argentina), is an ancient craft. The techniques used ancestrally have endured over time, as they continue to be used today with the same patterns and designs. These techniques have been passed down from generation to generation.

In this introductory course, we will delve into the art and craft of Mapuche loom weaving. The goal of the workshop is to gain a general understanding of the symbolism and worldview associated with this type of textile art. We will work on creating two woven pieces on a Witral (loom) using different techniques and designs.

This workshop is designed for individuals who wish to learn the use of the Mapuche loom and weave their own pieces, which can serve both as decorative items and for daily use. Upon completing the course, students will be able to continue weaving their pieces with their own designs and traditional techniques they have learned.

The “Witxal Weaving Workshop” consists of 5 sessions of 3 hours each.

During each class there will be practical work which will gradually increase in complexity. You will be carfully guided in the process through specific examples. Techniques will be reviewed class by class, including individual and group feedback.

  • Class 1: Introduction to the Mapuche textile worldview. Familiarization with tools. Identification of textile structures in the warp and weft. Preparation and warping of our Witxal (loom).
  • Class 2: Application of textile techniques: Plain weaving technique (warp, heddles, and weaving). Learning the basic weaving codes and patterns.
  • Class 3: Witxal weaving work. Finishing the first textile and setting up the second piece.
  • Class 4: Witxal weaving work, completing the second piece.
  • Class 5: Completing the second piece and assembling the final works.


Isabel González, is Chilean artisan living in Victoria. A psychologist and textile artist with more than 7 years of experience in craft work, teaching and art therapy. Currently researching and testing ways to promote the link between textile practice, thought, conversation, and ultimately meeting oneself.